Several locations achieve YOIN recertification


In recent months, several locations have had an auditor visit again. Because two years after certification, a re-inspection takes place at each location. That is why we are extremely proud that Sanadome, Pullman Eindhoven Cocagne, Beurs van Berlage, Van der Valk Apeldoorn - De Cantharel, Conference Hotel Kontakt der Kontinenten, Van der Valk Sassenheim-Leiden and Van der Valk Hotel Eindhoven - 040 Congres & Events have received their recertification. and remain affiliated with the Champions League of the Dutch location market.

The inspection that the auditors carry out for YOIN continues to develop continuously. A number of new criteria have been added and the reinspections have also been tightened in order to improve the quality of the YOIN Excellent Meeting Places quality mark.

We congratulate the locations on achieving recertification!