The network of YOIN excellent meeting places is growing through the addition of new locations, in addition to existing locations that maintain their certification.
Rotterdam Ahoy, Next Level Gorinchem and Koninklijke Jaarbeurs recently successfully completed the certification process to become a YOIN excellent meeting place and can now count themselves among the 'champions league' of the Dutch conference and event location market. The number of 'excellent meeting places' is growing and with it the opportunity for clients to choose a certified location.
Mirjam van de Kamp, Director of Conventions at Rotterdam Ahoy: “We are proud that we can promote the reliable quality brand for conference and event locations. Rotterdam Ahoy is not only a location for major (sports) events, shows and concerts, we also ensure our guests the ultimate experience in our conference center. Naturally, we celebrate this achievement and it is a positive impetus to maintain high quality and continuously improve our services.”
Next Level Gorinchem is a unique event location located on the first floor of Evenementenhal Gorinchem. Nicole Stuijk, Head of Meeting & Events says: “We were looking for an independent professional certification for Next Level where the quality of service is of paramount importance. We ended up at YOIN excellent meeting places, part of CLC-VECTA. We found the self-audit and the auditor's audit to be very pleasant and valuable. We are therefore very proud of the certification awarded.”
Niek Krebbers, Head of Sales Koninklijke Jaarbeurs: “It is confirmation that we, with various teams within the conference and meeting center, show that we are centrally located in the Netherlands as the place where participants in meetings, conferences and conferences can come together. We are extremely proud of the appreciation we receive from an independent body such as YOIN excellent meeting places. We know what our strengths are and where the points of attention are for even better service and quality of our services.”
Biennial re-inspection
In recent weeks, YOIN's independent auditors have carried out the inspections with great enthusiasm at Rotterdam Ahoy, Next Level Gorinchem and Koninklijke Jaarbeurs Utrecht and at a large number of locations that were due for the biennial re-inspection.
Dineke Philipse, YOIN coordinator: “We regularly review the criteria that a YOIN excellent meeting place must meet. We do this together with auditors, clients and based on current events. The biennial re-certification is an important benchmark to re-test the existing criteria on the one hand, and on the other hand it provides insight into the development and growth that locations are experiencing in quality, service and provision of services, partly based on the feedback from the previous inspection. It is fantastic to see that, even with the various tightenings, locations often score higher during re-inspection than during the first inspection. It shows that these locations are consciously working on this and can therefore rightly call themselves YOIN excellent meeting places again for the next 2 years."
The locations that have successfully completed the re-certification in the recent period are: Postillion Hotel and Convention Center The Hague, Beurs van Berlage, Van der Valk Apeldoorn – de Cantharel, Van der Valk Hotel Eindhoven – 040 Congres & Events, De Bonte Wever, Conference hotel Kontakt der Kontinenten, Sanadome, RAI Amsterdam, Pullman Eindhoven Cocagne, Van der Valk Sassenheim-Leiden, World Forum The Hague, Postillion Hotel and Convention Center Amsterdam, Sociëteit De Witte and Martiniplaza.
YOIN excellent meeting places
YOIN excellent meeting places is the reliable quality label for conference and event locations. YOIN excellent meeting places advises, supports and assesses locations on quality, expertise, reliability, innovation and service. YOIN excellent meeting places is an independent organization, but is confidently powered by CLC-VECTA.